Par itteri le 25 Août 2021 à 04:52
Such as electroscope, screwdriver, glue pliers, etc. It is also suitable for the use of various specifications of household appliances fuses and fuses. The size of the fuse must match the power consumption.
All switches, switches, and fuse boxes must have covers and must not be "naked". The glue cover must be replaced if it is deteriorated, aging, or incomplete; the dirt must be wiped off after a power failure.電機工程 Do not drag the power cord to the ground to avoid tripping the power cord and prevent damage to the insulation.
Electric heaters must be kept away from flammable materials, and heating appliances such as electric stoves, heating furnaces, and electric irons must not be placed directly on the board to avoid fire.
Do not touch the live switch with wet hands, do not pull or plug in the power plug with wet hands, do not touch the metal parts of the contacts with your fingers when pulling or plugging in the power plug, and do not replace electrical components or bulbs with wet hands.
Do not use household appliances (such as hair dryers, soldering irons, etc.) that are often used by hand. For household appliances that come into contact with the human body, such as electric blankets, electric oil caps, electric shoes, etc. Before use, it should be energized and checked for leakage before it can touch the human body.
When rescuing an electric shocked person, first disconnect the power supply or use a wooden board or insulating rod to open the power cord. Do not directly pull the electric shocked person with your hands to avoid continuous electric shock.
Household appliances, except refrigerators, should be turned off at will, especially electric heating appliances, to prevent fires caused by prolonged heating.
The use of bedside switches is strictly prohibited. Except for electric blankets, do not lead live electrical equipment to the side of the bed or close to the sleeping human body. Even if you use an electric blanket, if you don’t need to turn on the electricity overnight to keep you warm, it is recommended to turn off the electricity after heating to ensure safety.
When household appliances are scorched, smoked, or a fire occurs, the power must be disconnected immediately, and water or foam fire extinguishers must not be used.
The indoor wiring and electrical equipment should be inspected regularly, and if any damage is found, it should be wrapped with electrical tape in time; household appliances that are not used for a long time before the rainy season or used again for a long time, the insulation resistance should not be less than 1MΩ when measured with a 500V shaker. Only then can it be considered that the insulation is good and it can be used normally. If there is no vibration table, at least use a pen to frequently check for water leaks.
Household appliances that are used frequently should be kept dry and clean. Do not wipe the surface of household appliances with corrosive or conductive liquids such as gasoline, alcohol, soapy water, or detergent.
After the appliance is damaged, please consult a professional or send it to a repair shop for repair. It is strictly forbidden for non-professionals to open the shell while charging the household appliances.
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Par itteri le 19 Juillet 2021 à 11:42
I believe that many female friends have this experience: I just want to pee but don’t pee at all; it’s not easy to urinate, and the pain doesn’t dare to pee... These seemingly painful symptoms actually belong to the urethra The performance of inflammation. So, what is acute urethritis? What kind of medicine do women take for urethritis? How about the commonly used compound Shiwei tablets in clinical practice?
First of all, what is urethritis?
Urethritis refers to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra and is a common disease. The main clinical manifestations are frequent urination, dysuria, and urgency.尿道炎 病徵 When acute urethritis occurs, as long as it is actively treated, it will quickly recover.
But if it is not treated in time, pathogenic bacteria will enter the body from the urethra, not only infect the urethra, but also enter the bladder all the way, causing cystitis, or breeding in the kidneys, causing pyelonephritis, and even affecting kidney function.
What kind of medicine does female urethritis take? How about compound stomach tablets?
In addition to taking sensitive antibiotics regularly, Shiwei tablets are a common choice. Fufang Shiwei Tablets are mainly composed of Shiwei, Astragalus, Qixu and Qixu. It is used for symptoms such as poor urination, frequent urination, urgency, painful urination, and lower extremity edema; it can also be used for acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, see those with the above symptoms.
What kind of medicine should female urethritis take? Modern pharmacological research shows that compound Shiwei Tablets have antibacterial, anti-infective, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, diuretic, and immune function, and are extremely symptomatic for the treatment of female urethritis.
How about compound Shiwei tablets? Clinical trial results have proved that the drug has a definite effect on upper and lower urinary tract infections, and has a significant effect on lowering urinary white blood cells. The total effective rate of treating upper urinary tract infections is 91.51%. The effective rate is 89.42%; it can significantly improve the TCM syndromes, such as frequent urination, urgent urination, burning and painful urethra, acute pain in lower abdomen, waist pain, upset mouth pain, yellow turbid urine, etc.
In addition, a large number of clinical practices have found that the combination of compound Shiwei tablets and antibiotics in the treatment of urinary tract infections can effectively shorten the treatment time, improve the efficacy, reduce the dosage and use time of antibiotics, and effectively reduce the recurrence rate.
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Par itteri le 2 Juillet 2021 à 11:13
Rheumatism patients also need to pay attention to keep warm, hard to avoid cold, and get damp: Traditional Chinese medicine believes that wind, cold and dampness is an important cause of the disease. 類風濕性關節炎Most patients are stimulated by weather changes and other swelling and pain. Do not wash things with cold water and the bathing time should be reduced.
Second: Avoid colds and prevent bacterial infections: Because these factors can cause aggravation of the disease, once you have a cold or infection, you should actively treat it.
1. Diet nursed back to health: patients with rheumatoid arthritis chronically consume for a long time, often have symptoms such as muscle atrophy and anemia, as well as insufficient protein and vitamins, and osteoporosis throughout the body. 2. The intake of high-quality protein, high-vitamin food, calcium and zinc-containing agents should be increased. Warm foods such as tea, coffee, citrus fruits, lamb, dog meat, and fried foods may aggravate the condition and should be banned. At the same time, eat more foods containing calcium and zinc, such as raisins, sesame seeds, pine nuts, walnuts, pork liver, ribs and other foods.
2 Daily life maintenance patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have joint deformities and limited mobility, and individual joints may be completely unable to move, which affects work and daily life, 類風濕性關節炎and even some advanced patients cannot take care of themselves. In order to prevent such undesirable consequences, the doctor should order the patient's diseased joints to be in a normal functional state as much as possible.
pay attention to the combination of work and rest. Ensure adequate rest and sleep time. In the acute phase, you should absolutely stay in bed. During the chronic phase, the stable phase must not give up functional exercises due to joint pain. The methods are: gymnastics, joint exercises, Taijiquan.
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Par itteri le 2 Octobre 2020 à 12:58
如今,生活中很多人都是因為他們強烈過度開發使用眼從而可以導致學生近視眼的發生,然而近視者吃什么對眼睛好?5 五、胡蘿卜維生素A是保持眼睛健康不可或缺的微量元素。維生素A包含有維持眼睛健康的最重要的物質--抗氧化劑β-胡蘿卜素。胡蘿卜是攝入以及維生素A最好的選擇。除了胡蘿卜,卷心菜、生菜也是維生素A含量很高的食物。身體缺少了維生素A,人會得夜盲症。
兒童控制近視方法如dims鏡片,低濃度阿托品眼藥水,OK 鏡等,OK 鏡價錢、原理,優劣與功效上各不同。阿托品眼藥水是透過眼科醫生處方的眼藥水,通過放鬆眼球,減慢眼球拉長速度以控制近視。研究報告,兒童每日使用,1年內就能減慢近視達67%。
大豆,豆制品中含有必需脂肪酸,植物雌激素,維生素E和天然的抗炎劑對眼睛有益的。豆漿,大豆,大豆奶酪,豆制品等好處眼睛健康。橄欖油和穀類食物等富含微量元素E的食物同樣有益於你的眼睛。十、黑巧克力 黑巧克力中的類化合物可以保護眼部血管,從而可以強化眼角膜和晶狀體。 應該強調的是,只有純黑巧克力才能達到這種預期的效果。
香蕉,香蕉具有護眼的效果,因為香蕉中富含了鉀元素。 香蕉也含有大量的胡蘿卜素。人體攝入過多的鹽時,身體的細胞會導致大量的水保留,所以很容易造成浮腫的眼睛,而香蕉中含有鉀的含量,並能幫助人體排出這些多餘的鹽分。讓身體達到鉀、鈉平衡,緩解眼睛的不適症狀。因此,梅梅要注意,用眼睛吃香蕉,這樣可以通過飲食增加營養,改善視力,並可以幹眼痛等症狀達到佛羅裏達的效果。
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Par itteri le 24 Août 2020 à 11:03
如果你要我推介喜愛嘅cream mask同精華液,必要推薦chantecaille產品!咁令我推介係因為佢嘅cream mask用後肌膚明顯白滑,毛孔望落仲即時細緻得多,要嚟急救絕對一流,要打造鑽石般嘅肌膚絕非難事,快啲睇吓我以下Chantecaille嘅產品試用啦。
使用了chantecaille產品——Bio Lifting 緊緻精華液+和乳霜+, 皮膚明顯變得有光澤, 膚色明亮了, 輪廓更緊緻提升, 也更有彈性和年輕, 效果可媲美醫美療程, 尤其是備受推薦的精華液, 真的會用上癮呢!
綠豆粉去黑頭,做法:在綠豆粉裏加入適量的水,攪拌,成漿狀, 將臉部清洗幹淨後,把它敷在需要去黑頭的地方,然後把吸油紙放在上面; 等綠豆粉差不多幹時,把吸油紙撕下即可 。珍珠粉去黑頭材料:珍珠粉酸奶做法:從藥店購買上乘的珍珠粉,取適量放入幹淨的容器當中,然後加入純淨水以及果粒酸奶,混合攪拌,待調成膏狀以後即可使用。在對面部皮膚均勻面膜,按摩技術,如珍珠粉幹,然後用水沖洗幹淨。
頭導出液去黑頭 Step 1:用熱水洗臉,用洗面乳打出泡沫在鼻頭畫圈,將毛孔打開 Step 2:把黑頭導出液擠在化妝棉上,一定要浸滿 Step 3:把化妝棉敷在鼻子上,10分鍾後取下 Step 4:把鼻子拍濕,用鼻貼,10分鍾後取下,你就才能看到粘下來的黑頭和白頭了 Step 5:用毛孔縮緊精華或縮緊水拍在鼻頭上。去黑頭小貼士:不管用哪種妙招去黑頭,去完黑頭後一定要運用縮緊水,不然毛孔會變粗大哦。運用去黑頭產品前,最好先做一個皮膚過敏測試,假如沒有過敏情況再運用去黑頭產品。
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